Message from the Superintendent

Welcome to the Twin Valley School district!. The administration, faculty, and staff are privileged to serve the Twin Valley community. The foundation of our success is built upon support from families, communities, students, staff, and the Board of Education. Because of this tremendous support, Twin Valley students are empowered to thrive in a positive learning environment, both inside and outside the classroom. I feel fortunate that our district is supported by engaged and invested stakeholders who truly serve as our partners in education.
If you’re new to the district or considering Twin Valley schools for your child’s education, I hope you’ll take a few moments to review information about our district on this site, as well as on the district and building Facebook pages. We hope you will quickly see why the Twin Valley community is a great place to live, work, and raise a family – and to understand a few of the many reasons we are so proud of our schools.
The Board of Education, Administration and faculty concentrate on several areas of school improvement. Our areas of focus are:
Provide a high-quality education to prepare students for lifelong success
Maintain a culture that is conducive to personal growth for students and staff (academic and social emotional)
Encourage innovation throughout the system
Attract and retain high quality staff
Reach the five district goals and achieve the district mission through set accountability measures
These areas provide a clear path to where we want to be as a district to provide the best educational experience possible for all of our students.
As Superintendent, I look forward to the opportunity to serve the students, staff, and communities of the Twin Valley School District. On behalf of the members of our School Board, administration, faculty, and staff, I would like to thank you for your continued interest and support of Twin Valley Schools.
Yours in education,
Pam Irwin, EDS