Nurse's Corner
Health Policies
Any students diagnosed by a physician as having a communicable disease shall be required to withdraw from school until symptoms subside. Parents should notify the school when their child has a communicable illness. For example: chickenpox, pink eye, Fifth Disease, influenza, head lice, mononucleosis, pertussis, ringworm, staph infections, strep throat/Scarlet fever, and impetigo are just a few examples to report to the nurse.
Kansas Law (K.A.R. 28-1-6) requires students who are infested with head lice to be excluded from school until they have been treated with an approved head lice shampoo. All nits should be removed. Please check your child’s hair regularly for lice. Students may return to school once treatment has been started and no live lice are found. Please notify the school nurse if your child has head lice.
If a student is running a temperature of at least 100 degrees or more, they are to remain at home until they have been fever free for 24 hours without using medications. If a child has a rash or infectious looking skin disorder, the school has the right to ask the parent to obtain a physician’s note indicating the child is not infectious and can remain at school.
To meet state school regulations, the school will need to have written orders from the your child’s physician to receive and dispense prescription medication(s) at school. Parents/guardians may download the Permission for Medication Form to be completely filled out and signed by the physician. Prescription medications must be in the original container. Other forms to download include: Inhaler Forms, Kansas Asthma Action Plan, and Food Allergy Form.
Students needing over the counter medications will also need the permission for medication form completed. Over the counter medications do not require a physician signature, only a parent signature. Over the counter medications will need to be in the original container as well.
If your child has food allergies, please contact your school nurse
School Health Program
In addition to handling various health issues, accidents or emergency situations, the school nurse is responsible for carrying out health related screenings and programs required by the state. These required screenings are hearing, vision, and dental.
The Central Kansas Co-op performs the hearing screening. Students in grades PreK, K,1,2,3,5,7,10, and those in Special Education and Gifted classes will be screened yearly. New students in 4, 6, 9, 11 and 12 will also be screened.
Vision screening will be done yearly in grades PreK, K, 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, 10 and those in Special Education, Gifted and Speech classes. New students in 4, 6, 9, 11 and 12 will also be screened.
Dental screening will also be offered PreK-12. Parents who want their child/children to opt out of screenings will need to contact the school nurse. Parents will be notified if further evaluation is needed. Results of these screenings will become part of the child’s permanent health record.
For current immunization requirements visit and click on school information. The immunization law as enacted by the Kansas Legislature applies to every pupil enrolled in a Kansas school. The law also provides that students who do not comply with the provisions of the law within 60 days may be excluded from further school attendance. Legal exemptions to the immunization laws are found on the KCI of Immunization. Medical exemptions must by signed by the physician each year.
New students, Preschool or Kindergarten students enrolling for the first time shall provide current immunization records, state certified birth certificate and a health physical by a doctor.
Contact Information:
Becky Racette BSN, RN
District School Nurse
Cold And Flu Illnesses